Sonya's Open Cupboard

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Raw Vegan Birthday Cake

I don’t know about you, but combining food intolerances and birthday cake means a good amount of disappointment...

That is a disappointment if you don’t start thinking out of the box!

After the end of my lovely candida diet where sugar was a no go, I was able to incorporate some sweets again and decided that instead of going with anything store bought I would get resourceful!

I had seen a recipe for a raw vegan cake and had been wanting to try one for a long while so I figured it was the perfect time to begin trying! The first year I attempted a double chocolate raw vegan cake, and it turned out smashing. Even my skeptical family members had little to poke fun at because heck, it was awesome. This year I decided to take a crack at it again, only this time with a coconut chocolate cherry Raw Vegan cake!  

Here’s the semi-exact recipe…


The crust was a last minute scramble of sunflower seeds, walnuts, dates, and a smidge of almond butter, for experiment's sake…

·         1 cup Sunflower Seeds

·         6-7 soaked Dates

·         Pinch of Salt

·         1 cup Walnuts

·         2Tbsp Almond Butter

Blend in food processor until roughly chopped.

Spread mixture evenly across the bottom of a pie dish and place in freezer.

Layer #1

The first layer was simply Cashews, Coconut milk, and Dates for a creamy coconut layer.

For this layer, you will need soaked cashews. You can soak them in cold water for about 5 hours or in hot water for 2 hours.

·         1 cup soaked Cashews

·         5 soaked Dates

·         1/3 can full-fat Coconut milk

·         1 tsp Vanilla

Blend together and spread evenly in pie pan, then place in freezer.

Layer #2

The second was the same coconut, cashew dates but to flavor it I added about 3/4th cup frozen cherries. This layer would have been awesome with a hint of lemon juice.

·         1 & ½ cup soaked Cashews

·         5 soaked Dates

·         1/3rd can full-fat Coconut milk

·         3/4th cup Frozen Cherries

·         2 tsp Lemon juice

Blend it like it’s hot, but store it in the freezer…

Layer #3

The third layer was again coconut, cashew, and dates with about ½ cup cocoa powder and a pinch of salt.

·         1 & ½ cups Soaked Cashews

·         6-7 Soaked Dates

·         1/3rd can full-fat Coconut Milk

·         2tbsp Maple Syrup

·         Pinch of Salt

·         1/3rd cup Cocoa Powder

This will be your last layer so let it freeze then top with your favorites! I used coconut and since I am not a vegan I added some honey on top, but feel free to jazz this one up however you would like!

Let me know if you have any Bomb Vegan cake recipes up your sleeve, or if you decide to give this one a try let me know!