Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

I don’t know about you but when it comes to the morning I love to start things off with a bang and if you have seen my Instagram stories, you know that means a smoothie bowl! I love that a smoothie bowl tastes like my favorite frozen dessert while still offering you a nutrient dense and fun way to start off your day!

Now, I’m a morning person, so don’t limit yourself to just breakfast with these babes. I like to make the filling by adding fiber, healthy fats, protein and vegetables to make sure that I’m getting a meal that tastes like dessert, but also offers all the nutrients needed for a well-rounded meal!

This smoothie is a go when I am in the mood for something a little less sweet because of the raspberries and non-dairy yogurt. I also add in two optional ingredients, the first being flax to add in fiber. This is so that you can digest the smoothie easier, but you can either skip or use chia seeds instead. The second ingredient is gelatinized Maca root powder, I take this to help balance hormones and it also adds a caramel flavor that’s really good! You can find both of these products by clicking here !

Okay, so now you know all the details, let’s get on to the ingredients list!


• ½ cup frozen banana

• ½ cup frozen butternut squash

• 1/3rd cup frozen raspberries

• 1 cup non-dairy milk

• 1 tbsp. Homemade sunflower butter

• 1 tbsp. cocoa powder

• 1 tbsp. flax meal

• 1 tbsp. non-dairy yogurt

• 1 tsp. Gelatinized Maca powder

• 1 scoop protein powder (not shown)


• Blend it all up

• Pour into an aesthetic bowl and top appropriately…aka with all your favorite goodies!

• Enjoy!

So there you have it folks, an easy, delicious and nutritious way to start your day off right!

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and show some love by hitting that like button!

Thank you so much for stopping by

Love always,


Pumpkin Pie Spice Smoothie

I don’t know about you guys, but since I live in Florida the term seasons isn’t used very often. We have hot, really hot, don’t go outside, and cold or otherwise known as seventy degrees.  This makes getting into the spirit of fall a little more difficult. You can imagine the dilemma of this New England gone South girl as I see my family and friend up north posting darling photos with their sweaters and fall foliage. 

Because of my dilemma, I have decided to crank up the AC, throw on a sweater and make a pumpkin spice treat that keeps you cool, while satisfying those cravings. Not to mention the benefits of pumpkin including potassium, fiber, and antioxidants! Another win for pumpkin is that it is easy to digest because of its high fiber, low starch, and low sugar content. I added pumpkin to my smoothies, while on the Candida cleanse as a substitute for bananas and it would help keep that creamy and rich texture that bananas provide!

SO without further Aude, here is my fall smoothie recipe!


·         4 frozen cubes of pumpkin

·         2 frozen cubes of coconut milk

·         2 frozen cubes of sweet potato

·         1/4th cup dairy free yogurt

·         3/4th cup milk

·         1 tsp pumpkin spice

·         1/4th tsp. Unrefined Stevia leaf powder or sweetener of choice

·         1 TBS Flax meal  

·         1 TBSP protein powder (Optional)  


·         Place all the ingredients in a blender and you know the rest!

·         Oh and don’t forget to enjoy, if you forget about it there will be a melted pool of ingredients waiting for you when you come back. I know because I have been there and it’s not pretty…


Homemade Sunflower Butter

I don’t know about you, but I like to do things my own way. I don’t like to depend on others or follow exact directions and therefore when it comes to blindly going into the grocery store to buy over priced items, I am not the biggest fan. This is not to say I do not buy groceries, but I like to enjoy the little victories off a non-conformist.

My most recent victory, was creating my own sunflower butter! I had grown tired of purchasing $10 jars of almond butter or going the cheap rout and getting peanut butter which I learned upsets my stomach.

Arrivederci Peanut Butter!

Due to my frustration I decided to try out sunflower seed butter. It ended up being cheap and didn’t upset my stomach, but unfortunately they all tasted like off. To add to my frustration the only ones that tasted good had sugar or was 45 minutes away at different grocery store.  

This brings me to my creating the first batch of sunflower butter ala Sonya!

Here’s the ingredient list,

·         Raw Sunflower seeds

Here’s what you need

·         Oven

·         Powerful blender or food processor 

And that’s it…

To make said sunflower butter all you have to do is…

·         Preheat your oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

·         Place the sunflower seeds on a large baking sheet. I use enough to cover the whole sheet, about 1 &1/2 cups to 2 cups. 

·         Place in oven and toast for about 12 minutes.  

SIDE NOTE: You can skip roasting the sunflower seeds if you buy them pre roasted. Just make sure to check the ingredients. There can be added things like canola oil or salt.

·         Let cool for about an hour and then blend away! This should take about 5 minutes depending on the blender.  

·         Place in an airtight container, but don’t forget to take a sneaky taste!

Overall, if I buy my sunflower seeds in bulk I can get about 2 jars of sunflower butter for only $5. Not only is it cheap and easy, it tastes delicious and you get the joy of knowing exactly what’s in your food!  

Let me know how you liked the recipe or if you have any questions!

Thanks and hope you have a lovely time saving money and showing the non-conformist in you some love! 

-Sonya Peacocke



Low Sugar Smoothie

Chocolate Cherry Almond Smoothie Bowl

When I began the candida diet I quickly found out that my sweet tooth was extremely limited. Limited that is, until I found out that you can make smoothies that taste and look like Ice Cream!

Unfortunately most smoothie bowl recipes include bananas which are too high sugar for the Candida diet so of course I had to create my own recipe. My goal here was to keep it lower in sugar while keeping the taste and consistency on point.

So here is the smoothie recipe you have been awaiting for!



·         1/3rd cup frozen Dark Cherries ( Make            sure they are not sweetened*)

·         2-4 ice cubes

·         1 Tbsp. Almond Butter

·         1 Tbsp. Avocado

·         2Tbsp Anthony’s Pea Protein

·         1 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder

·         Handful of Spinach or Kale

·         2-3 drops of stevia

Top with my Chocolate Granola, Chia Seeds, Cashews, Coconut, etc. & Enjoy!

5 Ingredient Gluten Free Granola

As you might know or not know I am a HUGE chocolate fanatic. I also am quite fond of creating healthy foods that can pass as a dessert or a meal! This Chocolate granola meats all the requirements of a healthy gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, vegan alternative to the sugar and additive filled products you might find in the cereal aisle.



·         1 cup Gluten Free Oats

·         1/4th cup Cocoa Powder

·         2 Tbsp Coconut Oil  

·         Pinch of salt

·         Sweetener to taste

Mix all the ingredients together.

Feel free to add any extras you might enjoy such as coconut flakes, sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. The beauty of this recipe is that it’s so simple and adjustable to whatever you prefer!

You can also chose to eat it raw or toast it in a skillet on medium heat for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Once it are done enjoy as a meal, snack or topping for your favorite treats such as ice cream, yogurt and smoothies!