Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

I don’t know about you but when it comes to the morning I love to start things off with a bang and if you have seen my Instagram stories, you know that means a smoothie bowl! I love that a smoothie bowl tastes like my favorite frozen dessert while still offering you a nutrient dense and fun way to start off your day!

Now, I’m a morning person, so don’t limit yourself to just breakfast with these babes. I like to make the filling by adding fiber, healthy fats, protein and vegetables to make sure that I’m getting a meal that tastes like dessert, but also offers all the nutrients needed for a well-rounded meal!

This smoothie is a go when I am in the mood for something a little less sweet because of the raspberries and non-dairy yogurt. I also add in two optional ingredients, the first being flax to add in fiber. This is so that you can digest the smoothie easier, but you can either skip or use chia seeds instead. The second ingredient is gelatinized Maca root powder, I take this to help balance hormones and it also adds a caramel flavor that’s really good! You can find both of these products by clicking here !

Okay, so now you know all the details, let’s get on to the ingredients list!


• ½ cup frozen banana

• ½ cup frozen butternut squash

• 1/3rd cup frozen raspberries

• 1 cup non-dairy milk

• 1 tbsp. Homemade sunflower butter

• 1 tbsp. cocoa powder

• 1 tbsp. flax meal

• 1 tbsp. non-dairy yogurt

• 1 tsp. Gelatinized Maca powder

• 1 scoop protein powder (not shown)


• Blend it all up

• Pour into an aesthetic bowl and top appropriately…aka with all your favorite goodies!

• Enjoy!

So there you have it folks, an easy, delicious and nutritious way to start your day off right!

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and show some love by hitting that like button!

Thank you so much for stopping by

Love always,


Quick and Easy Vegan SunButter Chocolate Mousse // Valentines Day

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to Valentine’s Day treats the options are endless. The problem is that these options are usually not so much dairy free and gluten free. Plus making something is more of a romantic gesture then a store bought box of chocolates (Not that I will ever say no to them).

So in order to combat the issue at hand my friend and I came up with a gluten, dairy free, chocolate filed and EASY recipe to whip up for your special someone.

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So, now that you know how much you need this recipe in your life this Valentine’s Day, or any day, here it is!


·         1 Cup Coconut (Or Greek ) Yogurt

·         1/4th Cup Creamy SunButter

·         Pinch of Salt

·         2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

·         Sliced Strawberries

·         Chocolate Chips  

Mix the yogurt and sun butter together and spoon half of the mixture into jars. Add in cocoa powder and salt into the other half of the mixture and mix together. Spoon the rest into the jar and then top with strawberries and chocolate chips. Serve to your special someone, and enjoy!  

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Vegan Sunflower Butter Chocolate Pie

Vegan Sun Butter Chocolate Pie

I’m not sure about you guys, but when it comes to the holidays the most important thing is of course family, but the second most important is always dessert! I always loved making fun new treats, but this became a bit harder to recreate when I went dairy and gluten free. I was determined to remake some boss desserts so that when my healthy treats came out, all else was forgotten.

I have had some really good recipes so far but this one takes the cake. Get it…cake…or pie I guess.

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Anyways, this recipe was inspired by the classic peanut butter pie and I have to say, I ended up liking it better than the classic. SO without further adue here’s the recipe!



·         1 & 1/2 cup pitted and soaked dates.

·         1 tsp. salt

·         1 cup oats

·         1 tsp. vanilla  

·         2 tbsp. coconut oil

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Sun Butter Layer   

·         1 & ½ cup sun butter

·         2 cups whipped coconut cream ( I used a store bought brand but you can make your own as well!)

·         1 tsp. vanilla  

·         3 tbsp. maple syrup

        Chocolate Layer

·         3/4th cup cocoa powder

·         1 cup whipped coconut cream

·         1 tsp. vanilla

·         1 tsp. salt

·         ½ cup pitted and soaked dates   

·         1/4th cup date water



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For the crust soak the dates in hot water for about 15 minutes or let soak overnight in the fridge. Save the water for the individual layers.

Pulse all ingredients for the crust together and then press into the pie plate. Let set in the freezer while you make the layers.

For the Sunflower Butter layer use a mixing bowl and fold ingredients together until combined. Pour into pie pan and let set in the freezer.

For the chocolate layer blend all ingredients until fully combined. Add in more of the date water if needed to blend but make sure the moisture does not become watery, but keeps a thick and creamy consistency.

Pour in the last layer and let sit in the freezer.

Top with your favorite toppings such as nuts, coconut, chocolate, ice cream etc.

Here I used coconut whipped cream and shaved dark chocolate!

Bring to your next party and watch your guests as they stare in awe of this beautiful creation!

and THEN enjoy.

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Gluten Free Dairy Free Pumpkin Cookie Dough

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to cookies I was always more interested in the dough over than the finished product. Lately I have been making quite a few pumpkin recipes and figured that it was suiting to create a gluten free dairy free and CHICKPEA free pumpkin cookie dough recipe.

My good friend Natalie and I pulled together the idea over iced matcha lattes with you guys in mind!

We created this recipe for those who have sensitive stomachs or want to eat more of a whole food based diet. This is why we decided to use ingredients like coconut flour and sunflower butter and avoided any products containing gluten or dairy!

Now, thanks to my good friend Natalie and my husband Daniel here is a irresistibly good allergy friendly pumpkin cookie dough recipe!

·         2/3 cup Coconut flour

·         3/4th cup Pumpkin

·         1/4th cup Maple syrup

·         1/4th cup Nut/Seed butter

·         1 tsp. Vanilla extract

·         2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie spice

·         1/2 tsp. salt

·         1/4th cup Chocolate chips  

·         1/4th cup chopped Pecans

·         2-4tbsp non-dairy milk (as needed)  


·         Mix all of the dry ingredients together.

·         Add in the wet ingredients and mix until combined.

·         Fold in the pecans and chocolate chips or any other of your favorite mix-ins!   

·         Scoop into a bowl and eat with a spoon or put it on top of a Pumpkin smoothie that you can find here !

Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you enjoy!

-Sonya Peacocke

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Cheesy Vegan Pasta

Cheesy Vegan Pasta

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to pasta, tomato sauce is usually all I need. Last night I faced a predicament where my husband and I only had enough tomato sauce for one plate of pasta. We decided Daniel would partake in the tomato sauce and I had the exciting opportunity to create something brand new. I knew this could go horribly wrong, but I knew it was another golden opportunity to make something fantastic!

Now before I give you the ingredient list don’t judge because it’s a little different and may I remind you this pasta child was born from basically desperation. So here is the final product, and I hope you give it a try!


·         1 cup Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Quinoa Pasta

·         2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast

·         1/2 cup spinach (or any other green thing available!)


·         2 Tbsp. almond milk

·         Squeeze of lemon

·         1 tbsp. liquid aminos

·         1 tsp. garlic powder

·         Salt & pepper as needed 

· Directions

·         Follow the directions to cook the pasta.

·         While the pasta cooks take this time to cook up your spinach or any other green thing.

·         Mix everything together in a pan. Add in a bit of pasta water if anything starts to stick!

·          Now don’t wait any longer so plate that baby, eat up, and enjoy!   

Let me know what you think of the recipe and how you might tweak it a bit!

Thanks again for stopping by,

Sonya Peacocke


Homemade Sunflower Butter

I don’t know about you, but I like to do things my own way. I don’t like to depend on others or follow exact directions and therefore when it comes to blindly going into the grocery store to buy over priced items, I am not the biggest fan. This is not to say I do not buy groceries, but I like to enjoy the little victories off a non-conformist.

My most recent victory, was creating my own sunflower butter! I had grown tired of purchasing $10 jars of almond butter or going the cheap rout and getting peanut butter which I learned upsets my stomach.

Arrivederci Peanut Butter!

Due to my frustration I decided to try out sunflower seed butter. It ended up being cheap and didn’t upset my stomach, but unfortunately they all tasted like off. To add to my frustration the only ones that tasted good had sugar or was 45 minutes away at different grocery store.  

This brings me to my creating the first batch of sunflower butter ala Sonya!

Here’s the ingredient list,

·         Raw Sunflower seeds

Here’s what you need

·         Oven

·         Powerful blender or food processor 

And that’s it…

To make said sunflower butter all you have to do is…

·         Preheat your oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

·         Place the sunflower seeds on a large baking sheet. I use enough to cover the whole sheet, about 1 &1/2 cups to 2 cups. 

·         Place in oven and toast for about 12 minutes.  

SIDE NOTE: You can skip roasting the sunflower seeds if you buy them pre roasted. Just make sure to check the ingredients. There can be added things like canola oil or salt.

·         Let cool for about an hour and then blend away! This should take about 5 minutes depending on the blender.  

·         Place in an airtight container, but don’t forget to take a sneaky taste!

Overall, if I buy my sunflower seeds in bulk I can get about 2 jars of sunflower butter for only $5. Not only is it cheap and easy, it tastes delicious and you get the joy of knowing exactly what’s in your food!  

Let me know how you liked the recipe or if you have any questions!

Thanks and hope you have a lovely time saving money and showing the non-conformist in you some love! 

-Sonya Peacocke

