Vegan Pumpkin Cake

 I don’t know about you guys, but the pumpkin smoothie recipe from Monday just isn’t cutting it. My friend over at Feasting on Fruit and I have worked together to bring you this EPIC vegan pumpkin cake recipe that is sure to make you pumpkin spice dreams come true!

the recipe you can find below as well as a fun video to show you the process! Not only is is simple, but so much fun. We HIGHLY recommend attempting the cake with a friend, because it’s just more fun that way. So grab your flannels, brew some coffee, and get the oven heated up because it’s time to bake some cake.



·         1 cup pumpkin

·         2 flax eggs ( 2tbsp. flax + 4tbsp. water)

·         2/3 cup coconut sugar

·         2tbsp molasses

·         ½ cup almond milk

·         1tbsp apple cider vinegar

·         2 ¼ cup oat flour

·         1 ½ cup almond four

·         2 tsp. baking powder

·         ½ tsp. baking soda

·         ½ tsp. salt

·         1 tsp vanilla extract

·         1 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice     


·         1 & ½ Cup raw cashews

·         1/4th cup maple syrup

·         1 tbsp. lemon juice

·         1 tsp vanilla extract

·         1 tsp salt  

·         2-4 tbsp. almond milk or coconut oil, as needed to blend   




·         Preheat the oven to 350F

·         Mix water and Flax and set aside for 10 minutes to make the flax egg.  

·         In a large bowl mix together dry ingredients and set aside.

·         In a separate bowl mix together wet ingredients.

·         Add the dry and wet ingredients together and mix to combine.

·         Oil your baking dish

·         Bake for 35 min at 350F.  

·         While the cake bakes and cools blend together icing ingredients until smooth and creamy. Add in milk and/or coconut oil as needed.  

·         Let the cake cool before adding frosting.


Okay now I will go plan my next batch because unfortunately this one was gone in less than a minute by some very willing helpers!

While I do that, grab a friend and give the recipe a go! Of course, don’t forget to let us know what you guys think of this Fall favorite!

Love you all, and thanks for stopping by!

Yours truly,


Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread // Paleo & Vegan


Pumpkin & Chocolate, what could be better? Well, we figured it out…You put them both in bread form and voila you have a winner!

My friend Natalie from Feasting on Fruit, my husband Daniel Peacocke and I got together to make a bread that would bring the non-pumpkin lovers to the light! I say this because my husband is one of those, and this is a recipe that he definitely approved of!

It’s moist, FULL of flavor, and so addicting you just might attempt to eat the whole pan yourself…This coming from the girl who ate half the pan without even realizing it!

This bread is a crowd-pleaser because we also made sure not to skimp on the chocolate! So basically you can put a candle in this bread and call it cake OR slice, top with nut butter and call it breakfast!

However, you choose to enjoy it let us know!


2 cups cassava flour

1/2 cup almond butter

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice

1 cup pumpkin

3/4th cup coconut sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4th tsp. salt

1/2 cup chocolate chips


Preheat your oven to 350F

Combine the wet ingredients and then add in the dry ingredients. Once combined add the chocolate chips.

Pour mixture into a greased 9x5 bread loaf pan and top with cinnamon sugar & chocolate chips!

Bake for 45-50 minutes

Let cool & enjoy!


Pumpkin Spice Sauce

I don’t know about you but when it comes to ice cream I can get pretty serious. Then you add in the toppings, make those toppings pumpkin and BOOM, the world explodes…well, maybe not explodes.

Thankfully when my friend from feasting on fruit and I collaborated with this recipe we took the necessary precautions and created something truly magical and avoided the whole world exploding thing.

If this Pumpkin Spice Sauce doesn’t do justice to those fall cravings I don’t know what will! It is creamy texture and perfectly balanced pumpkin flavor are complemented with the addition of almond butter!

The Almond butter adds a level of fall flavor that makes you feel like you’re looking at the fall leaves in New-England wearing a turtleneck sweater and sipping on a pumpkin spiced latte!

Overall this stuff is the bomb, and adding it to ice cream makes all the difference, especially for those in the southern states who are still rocking shorts and sundresses!

If you're not into ice cream, but still need a pumpkin fix fear not! This recipe is pretty versatile and can be used in coffee to make your favorite Pumpkin spiced latte! Or maybe just forget the coffee and go straight for making a pumpkin creamer, perfect for adding to tea!


·         1/4th cup coconut oil

·         2 Tbsp. canned pumpkin

·         2 Tbsp. maple syrup

·         2 Tbsp. almond butter

·         1 tsp pumpkin pie spice


Whisk all of the ingredients together until smooth and creamy texture forms.  

Pour over ice cream and enjoy!


Gluten Free Dairy Free Pumpkin Cookie Dough

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to cookies I was always more interested in the dough over than the finished product. Lately I have been making quite a few pumpkin recipes and figured that it was suiting to create a gluten free dairy free and CHICKPEA free pumpkin cookie dough recipe.

My good friend Natalie and I pulled together the idea over iced matcha lattes with you guys in mind!

We created this recipe for those who have sensitive stomachs or want to eat more of a whole food based diet. This is why we decided to use ingredients like coconut flour and sunflower butter and avoided any products containing gluten or dairy!

Now, thanks to my good friend Natalie and my husband Daniel here is a irresistibly good allergy friendly pumpkin cookie dough recipe!

·         2/3 cup Coconut flour

·         3/4th cup Pumpkin

·         1/4th cup Maple syrup

·         1/4th cup Nut/Seed butter

·         1 tsp. Vanilla extract

·         2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie spice

·         1/2 tsp. salt

·         1/4th cup Chocolate chips  

·         1/4th cup chopped Pecans

·         2-4tbsp non-dairy milk (as needed)  


·         Mix all of the dry ingredients together.

·         Add in the wet ingredients and mix until combined.

·         Fold in the pecans and chocolate chips or any other of your favorite mix-ins!   

·         Scoop into a bowl and eat with a spoon or put it on top of a Pumpkin smoothie that you can find here !

Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you enjoy!

-Sonya Peacocke

Pumpkin Cookie Dough Smoothie Bowl.JPG

Homemade Sunflower Butter

I don’t know about you, but I like to do things my own way. I don’t like to depend on others or follow exact directions and therefore when it comes to blindly going into the grocery store to buy over priced items, I am not the biggest fan. This is not to say I do not buy groceries, but I like to enjoy the little victories off a non-conformist.

My most recent victory, was creating my own sunflower butter! I had grown tired of purchasing $10 jars of almond butter or going the cheap rout and getting peanut butter which I learned upsets my stomach.

Arrivederci Peanut Butter!

Due to my frustration I decided to try out sunflower seed butter. It ended up being cheap and didn’t upset my stomach, but unfortunately they all tasted like off. To add to my frustration the only ones that tasted good had sugar or was 45 minutes away at different grocery store.  

This brings me to my creating the first batch of sunflower butter ala Sonya!

Here’s the ingredient list,

·         Raw Sunflower seeds

Here’s what you need

·         Oven

·         Powerful blender or food processor 

And that’s it…

To make said sunflower butter all you have to do is…

·         Preheat your oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

·         Place the sunflower seeds on a large baking sheet. I use enough to cover the whole sheet, about 1 &1/2 cups to 2 cups. 

·         Place in oven and toast for about 12 minutes.  

SIDE NOTE: You can skip roasting the sunflower seeds if you buy them pre roasted. Just make sure to check the ingredients. There can be added things like canola oil or salt.

·         Let cool for about an hour and then blend away! This should take about 5 minutes depending on the blender.  

·         Place in an airtight container, but don’t forget to take a sneaky taste!

Overall, if I buy my sunflower seeds in bulk I can get about 2 jars of sunflower butter for only $5. Not only is it cheap and easy, it tastes delicious and you get the joy of knowing exactly what’s in your food!  

Let me know how you liked the recipe or if you have any questions!

Thanks and hope you have a lovely time saving money and showing the non-conformist in you some love! 

-Sonya Peacocke

