Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Drizzle Ice cream Sandwiches // Gluten free & Dairy free

Last week cookie dough trio I decided it was a good idea to team up with another fellow blogger to bring you not one but two beautiful cookie sandwich creations! I teamed up with my friend from Heathers Home Bakery, who also is a fellow lover of all things in the form of a cookie sandwich! Her classic baking methods and use of butter and Flour (jealous) helped her create beautiful Soft Vanilla Cutout Cookies with a Creamy Vanilla Filling that is everything you dream of in a classic vanilla sandwich cookie! The type of cookie that makes you want to throw away those store-bought cookies, put on your favorite apron & choice music, and get to work creating something beautiful and delicious for your family!


Now on the flip side, we have Chocolate peanut butter drizzle ice cream sandwiches that will rock the socks off of your gluten & dairy-free world! These chocolate peanut butter cookies make for a perfect base for sandwiching sweet vanilla ice cream in between! The drizzle of peanut butter takes these cookies to the next level, but if you think you have to stop at a drizzle, feel free to dip, drizzle or douse these ice cream sandwiched with your desired amount of peanut butter sauce!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches


  • 1 & 1/2 cup gluten-free oat flour*

  • 1/3rd cup smooth peanut butter**

  • 1/4th cup agave

  • 1/4th cup cocoa powder

  • 2 egg whites

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • Dairy-free Vanilla Ice cream

Peanut Butter Drizzle

  • 1/4th cup Creamy Peanut Butter**

  • 1 Tbsp melted coconut oil

  • 1 Tbsp agave


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 350F and grease a cookie sheet.

  2. In a large bowl whisk together your oat flour and cocoa powder

  3. in a separate bowl whisk together the agave, egg whites, and vanilla together.

  4. Combine the wet and the dry ingredients together until fully mixed.

  5. Using an ice cream scoop, make balls of dough and flatten them in the palm of your hand till they are about 1/4th of an inch thick.

  6. You want to make sure these cookies are uniform in shape and size. If you want to you can roll the dough out and use a cookie cutter!

  7. bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes and let cool completely, pop in the freezer while you make the peanut butter drizzle.

  8. For the peanut, butter drizzle combines peanut butter, coconut oil, and agave in a small bowl and drizzle over your chilled cookies.

  9. place in the freezer to set the peanut butter.

  10. Once the peanut butter has sed scoop out your ice cream and sandwiches it between two cookies!

  11. roll in sprinkles or drizzle with more peanut butter, but most importantly grab a few friends and enjoy!

    * To make out flour you simple need to blend gluten-free oats in a blender until a fine powder forms and there are no large pieces of oats. You can make this in large batches for ease in baking.

    ** If you cannot have peanut butter feel free to use sunflower seed butter. Just make sure that is slightly runny & creamy. I suggest buying the trader Joe’s brand or SunButter for getting the right consistency

    Don’t forget to PIN it!


No-Bake Coconut Cookie Bars

Chocolate is kinda my thing if you haven’t noticed from the presence of chocolate in my recipes. So when I am thinking of a new recipe, that’s usually where I start! Then I think to myself what goes best with chocolate? Well today I had a huge bag of coconut in my cupboard that was just ASKING to be made into a sweet treat!

Now in order for my sweet treats to be accepted into the realm of Sonya’s Open Cupboard they have to be tested and approved by both my nieces, nephews and my husband. All who are equally picky…When I presented these No-Bake Coconut Bars it was a success!

The kids loved them and so did Daniel and my sister, and me, and…well we ate them all so that was as many people I had try them that day!

My favorite part about these bars is that they are a no-bake recipe, that is super easy to make, especially if you are home with little ones! I take care of my nieces and nephews a lot who are all under the age of 10. Keeping things creative with them is super important to me so whenever there is a simple recipe to make with them it’s so much more fun!

The Coconut Cookie layer is great because you get to use your (washed) hands to mix and place in the pan which is great for stimulation!

For the Chocolate layer, you get to teach them about using a double boiler, and how easy it is for the chocolate to burn. This helps them learn precision and the importance of following directions! It also teaches me to be more patient and relaxed with them…so all around it’s a win-win!

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Coconut Cookie Layer

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  • 1 cup coconut flour

  • 2/3rd cup shredded coconut

  • 1/4th cup Agave

  • 1/4th cup hemp hearts

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 1/3rd cup full fat coconut milk

  • ½ cup sunflower butter

Chocolate Layer

  • 1 cup chocolate chips

  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil

Toppings (optional)

  • Toasted Coconut (see directions below)


Line an 8x8 Brownie pan with Parchment paper, making sure the paper covers the sides of the pan.

In a bowl whisk together the coconut flour, shredded coconut, hemp hearts & sea salt.

Add in the Coconut Milk, Agave, and Sunflower butter and mix until well combined, using your hands if need be!

Press the dough into the pan evenly, making sure to get the cookie base evenly into every corner!

Freeze the base for about 30 minutes.

While your base is in the freezer, combine your chocolate chips and coconut oil together and melt using a double boiler method. What I do is boil water and put it in a glass bowl, and then place the smaller glass bowl with the chocolate and coconut oil, into the hot water. Making sure the water doesn’t overflow into the small bowl. Make sure you are stirring the chocolate and coconut oil together. Feel free to replace the water with hot water halfway through if need be.

it should take about 5 to 10 minutes to melt the chocolate.

I have found that it is a super gentle way to melt the chocolate, and you end up with more control, especially since the amount of chocolate is small.

Once your chocolate is melted evenly pour evenly on top of the Coconut Cookie base and then place back into the freezer. If you want you can top with toasted coconut**!

After the cookie has been in the freezer for 30 minutes check to see if the chocolate has set. Once the chocolate has set take out, cut into squares and enjoy!

Toasted Coconut**

For the toasted coconut, all you have to do is preheat your oven to 350F

Put your desired amount of coconut on a baking sheet and bake it for about 8-10 minutes, making sure to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Let cool and use to top your No-Bake Coconut Cookie Bars!

Cookie Dough Bites // Guten Free & Vegan

Hello there, and welcome to another episode of What I Made During COVID-19! Today I am bringing you guys the vegan and gluten-free cookie dough bites that are sure to trump those store-bought cookies you bought in a panic because they were the only dry goods left in the store…

Anyway, these cookie dough bites are brought to you today in an effort to provide fun and easy recipes that you can make with simple ingredients! I also want to ensure that these recipes are indeed kid-friendly! I have 9 nieces and nephews all under the age of 10, so trust me when I say I would not be afraid to make these with any of them…except maybe the baby, but he would just sit there and sleep anyway so maybe it would work?

Other than the fact that these are delicious, simple, kid-friendly, healthy, vegan, gluten-free, etc. They also allow you to work with what you have! For example, If you are not a sunflower butter family, use what you have on hand! Just keep in mind that if your peanut butter or whatever other nut butter you use is sweetened, It will alter the flavor and sugar content.

If you don’t have almond flour laying around, you could definitely blend up oats and use that flour instead of the almond. Just keep in mind to check in on the consistency. If it is too runny add in more oat flour about one tablespoon at a time until the texture is a little thicker and easier to mold. With oat flour, you can also leave the mixture in the fridge for about 15 minutes and see how it looks as the oats will soak up some of the liquid!

You don’t have agave? Use maple Syrup!

All of these things will change the texture and alter the flavor of the recipe a bit, but when it comes down to it, the same idea applies! This recipe is about being able to utilize what you have on hand and do something fun while everyone is cooped up at home!

SO without further delay, here is the recipe for your Cookie Dough Bites!


  • 1 Cup almond flour

  • 1/4th cup sunflower butter

  • 1/4th cup Agave

  • 1/2tsp vanilla

  • Pinch of sea salt

  • 1/2 cup dairy-free chocolate chips

  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil


Combine the Almond flour, sunflower butter, agave, vanilla and sea salt together.

Fold in half of your chocolate chips, reserving the rest of the chocolate chips for your chocolate coating, and put in the fridge.

For the chocolate coating, combine the rest of your chocolate chips and the coconut oil and melt using a double boiler method.

Once your chocolate is melted, remove your dough from the fridge and roll into balls. I used a tablespoon measure, but you can make them smaller using a teaspoon measure.

Once you have formed the dough into balls coat in the melted chocolate and place on a plate covered with either parchment or wax paper.

When you are done, sprinkle with flaky salt or sea salt and place in the fridge or freezer until the chocolate has set.

Serve and enjoy!


3 Ingredient Cookie Bites // Vegan & Gluten Free

Simple, quick, bite-sized, and delicious! All of the qualities I was looking for in a recipe this time! I wanted to create something quick and easy you could bring to a Halloween party, make for yourself instead of buying candy, or just a fun recipe to make with your kids!

My goal was to keep the ingredients really simple, but also accommodate people with a lot of allergies. Thats why I skipped the eggs and gave you the option so use whatever type of “Butter” works for you!

using oat flour is a great cheap and easy alternative for flour! You can make it by blending oats on high until it turns into a fine powder. I use gluten-free oats, but if your not gluten free, regular oats will work perfectly fine!

I also want you to feel free to use whatever chocolate you like! I ended up using dark chocolate with almonds which added great texture to the cookie!

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SO here for you are the directions to make this beauty!


½ cup oat flour

1/3rd cup nut butter

1/4th cup syrup

1 bar of your choice chocolate 


Grease a baking sheet & preheat the oven to 350F

Mix together syrup, flour, & sunflower butter. 

Scoop mixture with a teaspoon measure and roll dough into balls, it should make about 22 cookies.  

Cook for 10-12 minutes, the cookies should turn a golden brown.  

While the cookies are baking cut your chocolate bar into squares.

Take the cookies out of the oven and press one square of chocolate into each cookie.

Let cool in the fridge & enjoy!


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Healthy Gluten & Dairy-free Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies

Something urged me to make oatmeal cookies this week, I don’t know if it was the fact that I had an abundance of oats in my house, or I just wanted something sweet to dunk in my morning coffee! Who knows, probably both!

Anyway, I just wanted to bring you a simple and easy recipe that will fill your bellies with something wholesome and sweet!

These cookies are made gluten-free by using gluten-Free oats which you can find at your local grocery store, or online. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s because you get a lot for what you pay for!

When it came to the chocolate I didn’t have any chocolate chips on hand, so I just chopped up a chocolate bar! I love doing this because the chocolate bars I buy are always at least 65% dark chocolate, making them usually dairy-free! So if you like things less sweet, go for the dark chocolate trick, but if not go for some dairy-free chocolate chips! Either way, you won’t be sorry you made these bad boys!

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Time: 30-35 minutes

Makes about 12 cookies


  • 1 cup GF oat flour

  • 1 cup GF whole oats

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1/4th tsp salt

  • 1tsp cinnamon

  • 1/3rd cup coconut sugar  

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1/4th cup coconut oil

  • 1/4th cup almond milk

  • ½ cup dairy-free chocolate chips (or chunks)


Preheat your oven to 350F and prepare your baking sheet.

Whisk together the dry ingredients and then whisk in the wet ingredients until a batter forms.

Gently fold the chocolate into the batter.

Scoop the dough into 1 inch balls using an ice cream scoop and place on the prepared baking sheet about 1 to 2 inches apart.

Place in oven and bake for 22-25 minutes.

Let cool on a cooling rack for about 15 minutes and enjoy!

Psst….dont forget to pin it!

Vegan & Gluten Free Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies, no need for chocolate chips in these babes because they hold up on their own! I am a firm believer in the power of a chocolate chip cookie, but my mind has been changed thanks to these babes.


My friend Natalie from Feasting on Fruit and I felt the need to fill the heart-shaped sugar cookie void in our lives. Sowe schemed together to create the cutest heart-shaped edible valentines for you, and well for us to enjoy! They are subtly sweet, perfectly crispy, and just the right amount of icing (if you’re into that). Cut them into heart shapes and gift them your valentine, even if it’s only your dog…

The recipe only has six ingredients, ensuring a simple bake that would be easy to take on alone or bake them with your littles. It’s a perfect opportunity to spend time together while teaching them that healthy baking is fun and delicious!

Use the recipe for any holiday, birthday, or events for a simple and crown pleasing treat that will have everyone complimenting you on what cute cookies you have made!


  • 1 cup (120g) almond flour

  • 1/3 cup (40g) coconut flour

  • 1/4 cup (80g) maple syrup or agave

  • 1/4 cup (50g) coconut oil (or coconut oil*)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp salt


  • 1/4 cup coconut butter, melted

  • 1 tsp pitaya powder (pink) or black goji powder (purple)


  1. Whisk together the maple syrup, coconut oil, and vanilla.

  2. Add the flours and salt. Mix to form a sticky dough.

  3. Roll out between two pieces of wax paper to 1/4-inch thickness.

  4. Chill dough for 15 minutes (optional, but recommended for easier cutting/transferring).

  5. Preheat the oven to 350ºF.

  6. Cut into hearts (or any shape!), and transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  7. Bake for 8-10 minutes until just golden around the edges. It will take less time for smaller cookies.

  8. Cool completely before glazing.

  9. Whisk together glaze ingredients, adding more or less powder to the desired color.

  10. Top cooled cookies with glaze and sprinkles. Chill until set.

  11. Eat!



*You may need to increase to 1/3 cup since it is thicker, it also helps to melt it before mixing.

**They are delicious plain or drizzled/dipped in melted chocolate.

